Masters Series: Searching for a University course that suits you - Full time, Part time or Distance learning?
Hi Guys and welcome to May's edition of my Masters series. This month I am going to be discussing how to decide on what course is going to be best to suit you!
I will start by explaining what I did to make my own decision.
When I decided I was going to study again I knew I wasn't even going to look at full time study. I am 28 and I was a full time student for my Bachelors degree straight from school and although I enjoyed it then, its not something I could go back to now, also earning a wage is important to me, we all need money, and I didn't want to rely on anyone else by myself.
After that part of the decision being easy the next part of the decision process was to decide between part time or distance learning. I looked at courses nearby at university's, as I wasn't prepared to move away, and I wanted to keep my job.
I decided, after looking at the options for part time courses that they weren't flexible enough for me. I needed something that was ideally evenings or at the very least would fit around my job, but there just wasn't anything out there that worked for me. I needed something flexible and that is why in the end I went with distance learning.
To be totally honest I think I knew all along that I wanted to do distance learning, I just needed to check out all the other options first.
The course with the Open University suited me the most and the subjects were a great mixture of interesting and challenging topics, I can work through it in my own time and can fit it around my current work commitments.
Check back next month to see my guide to the application process.