Travelling by Plane: How to keep yourself hydrated!

If any of you have travelled by plane then you’ll know how dehydrating it can be travelling for so long, combined with the dry air onboard produced by the air conditioning, as well as travelling at altitude and the air being somewhat different. 
As an air hostess this was something I had to deal with on a daily basis and thought I would put together a little guide on how to keep yourself hydrated while flying.
One of the best things you can do to hydrate yourself is to drink enough water. That’s before your flight, during the flight and after the flight. Its important on the day of travel to make time to drink water, as its not always easy enough when you’re running about getting yourself ready for travel, but its really important for your body and your skin to make sure you are well hydrated before flying.
Its difficult these days with not being able to take drinks through security and rising prices airside, but if there is one thing you buy before getting on the plane, make it a bottle of water. Most airlines will either sell or provide water onboard too. 
And once you’ve landed, make sure you continue to hydrate yourself, to ward off any of the effects flying has had on your body.

Moisturising Cream:
To keep your skin hydrated when flying pack yourself a moisturiser. Nowdays you can only take on board liquids and creams if they are 100ml or less, but you can get plenty of travel sized products these days. A moisturiser will enable you to keep your skin hydrated on the plane.

Lip Balm: 
To keep your lips hydrated and to stop them cracking and splitting on the plane, choose a nice, hydrating lip balm, in particular one that is good for dry lips.

If you suffer from dry eyes, or you wear contact lenses then you might want to invest in some eye drops. These will moisten your eyes and if you are a contact lens wearer they will really help. Lenses dry out really quickly on planes and it makes them harder and scratchy, and can really irritate your eyes. You might also want to take a spare pair on lenses just in case they become too unbearable.

I hope that helps! Happy Travel!