A little MA update!

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, its been a bit of a busy time, but I am back and I shall try and update here a bit more frequently.

Today's post is all about my MA. You may or may not have read my previous post following my decision to do my MA: http://www.loveamybecca.co.uk/2013/02/ma-me.html

Once I had my initial acceptance I felt pleased that I had secured my place, however I still had to send off my degree classification, my transcripts and official application. I knew I had everything that was required for acceptance on the course, but it was still a nerve-wracking time (especially because the form was due to be back on the day I received it through the post - Thanks Royal Mail).

On the 21st of March I received my final confirmation that I had been accepted onto the Masters Degree, all I needed to do was accept and pay my fee's for the first part.

(The degree comes in two parts through the OU - the first part (which is worth the most credit) will be the taught, modular part of the degree. The second part will be the dissertation - which I don't need to think about yet).

So, I am registered, paid up and ready to start on the 28th September, and at the moment I am just doing some pre-course reading.

I will be doing a series, later in the summer, about preparing for the MA through to doing it, and any advice and tips I pick up along the way.

Speak soon guys, Happy Tuesday!