Masters Degree: Series Introduction
Happy Wednesday everyone!
I just wanted to pop in and let you know about a new series that I will be posting in here on Love, Amybecca...x My Masters Series!
You may (or may not) know that I am about to embark on my Masters Degree. I graduated from University after studying my Bachelors Degree (in History) in 2006, and I have decided in recent months to go on to my Masters Degree (also in History).
My plan throughout my degree is to continue working, so my aim for this series is to follow me from now (including a back post or two about the application process) as I am starting my pre-course reading & study, all the way through my degree right up until graduation.
My first post will go up in around a week and from then on I aim to do one blog post per month, and I will give you hints and tips throughout as well as answering questions and charting my experience of doing my MA as a mature student.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave me a comment, or tweet me (loveamybecca) and I will try and address these as I go along.
Speak to you all soon!